Date(s) - 07/10/2018 - 08/10/2018
19:00 - 0:00
kautzrecordz proudly praesentz…
EAGLE TWIN (heavy progressive doom sludge rock duo from Salt Lake City, US – on Southern Lord)
www.eagletwin.bandcamp.com // www.facebook.com/eagletwinmusic
UR (heavy doom sludge post metal, dresden)
www.ur-doom.bandcamp.com // www.facebook.com/ur.doom.band
jeffk (dark experimental instrumental post-rock, leipzig)
www.jeffk.bandcamp.com // www.facebook.com/this.is.jeffk
„Progressive fusion between jazz and droning doom metal. A two headed eagle with octopus tentacles. 2 men sound as 20. Tyler Smith has become very good at hitting things really hard. Gentry Densley multitasks, playing stringed instruments he builds into something not quite guitar or bass but all through a wall massive tube amps. The two men sound as one as they come together with a love of all things heavy. Its doom blues roots rock backing a new mythology of epic old testament proportions. Born from crow, eagle twin says, “I am a brother to dragons, and a companion to owls” Job 30:29
Salt Lake City, UT’s Eagle Twin pairs up vocalist/guitarist Gentry Densley (ex-Iceburn) with drummer Tyler Smith. The duo began working on their improbably bluesy and prog-infused style of sludgy death/doom in 2007 and quickly caught the attention of the Southern Lord label, “One of the most striking aspects of Eagle Twin’s debut was the lyrical content, rife with symbolism and largely inspired by poet Ted Hughes’ Crow. On the album’s final track, Densley’s throat delivers the tale of crows flying into the sun, being burnt and falling to the ground as snakes. This is where The Feather Tipped the Serpent’s Scale picks up, focusing on the mythological and symbolic incarnations of the snake.” As the snake circles in on itself and grows horns, Eagle Twin has set the scene for their third album. Something to look forward to indeed.“
„UR – für Auerochse, das für seine mächtige Erscheinung und sein unzähmbares Wesen bekannte, ausgerottete Wildrind – üben sich an der Vertonung dunkel anmutender, schleppend-atmosphärischer Klangbilder, deren zu Hause das akustische Spektrum niedriger Frequenzen und großer Amplituden ist. Als Inspiration für die oftmals langsam anschwellenden, dem Ausbruch harrenden Soundlandschaften dienen archetypische Bilder von Wildnis und vergessenen, ausgerotteten oder bedrohten Tieren. Diesen Motiven wird mit Stilmitteln aus Doom, Psychedelic und Post Ausdruck verliehen. UR sind seit 2012 aktiv und haben u.a. mit Omega Massif, Year Of No Light, Conan, Celeste, Dopethrone, Mouth of the Architect Konzerte gespielt.“
„jeffk – For those post-rock enthusiasts who find themselves concerned about heading down paths characterized by reserved rhythmic tendencies or a lack of dynamic flourishes, rejoice in your discovery of jeffk, the heroes you’ve been waiting for. This is groove-heavy, low-end focused instrumental music with foundations in metal that also features well-placed emphasis on more traditional upbeat rock stylings. Functioning as a three piece, there is a necessary tightening of the compositional approach, making the chemistry displayed between each member paramount. The result is an inspiring fusion of drum and bass fueled swagger and post-rock textures. Transposing drone concepts over riff-rock, jeffk builds sonic landscapes which utilize repetition as a tool to both crush listeners and inspire cathartic physical release (in the world outside of post-rock some refer to this action as “dancing”). The band takes the necessary time to construct their rhythmic patterns, but each track always feels like it is moving forward toward compelling ends. Careful listeners will also find themselves fascinated by the ease with which the bass vacillates between building the rhythm and accentuating the guitar melodies, acting as the agent of cohesion between two unique stylistic approaches. Inadequate shelter is a bright beam of light bursting through the cloud of familiarity, pulling the listener out of the prosaic haze and giving them something to get moving for. David Zeidler (young epoch) for ‚dunk!records‘ and ‚a thousand arms‘“
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